Cyber Sainik, LLC is committed to protecting your privacy and making sure your personal information is confidential. Cyber Sainik, LLC does not use, share or sell your data except as described here. We have policies and safeguards in place to protect your privacy. Cyber Sainik, LLC is also required by state and Federal law to protect the privacy of your health information.
Why should I read this?
This notice describes how we handle your information. It tells you about your rights and describes how we protect your information.
How is my information used?
The information that you give us belongs to you, and you can add, edit or delete anything on your systems by logging in and managing your servers. Cyber Sainik, LLC Support will never ask for or have access to your password. We can, however, reset your password is requested to do so.
Under business-as-usual operations, we do not access your data. However, unless you take measures to encrypt your data within your provided virtual machine (such as with field-level encrypted SQL Servers), we do technically have access to your data. As such, that access may be used if required to do so under U.S. Law.
We do not use your information for marketing purposes, nor do we sell it.
Cyber Sainik, LLC must:
Protect your Information (PHI) by:
- Securing our computer systems
- Training all our employees in security and privacy
- Following the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS)
- Following the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
- Following applicable state privacy laws
Where allowed by law, remove your information when asked to do so (in writing)
*What can you do without my permission?
We only share your information without your permission when it is required by law; for example, in response to subpoenas and other court or legal orders. There may also be certain circumstances in which a health care official will request information for emergency treatment / public good.
What can you do with my permission?
Some services require additional levels of knowledge of your environment. If you wish to use our services for disaster recovery, please contact us ahead of time and provide the permission and documentation required for us to create the necessary environments.
What are my rights?
You have the following rights regarding your information:
- To add, remove, or edit the information stored on our systems. You may do this at any time via the remote access
- To encrypt your information on our systems. This is often done in a database, but any file- or memory-level encryption method may be used
- To discontinue using the service. If you wish to stop using the service, please notify our customer support team.
- To receive details about a breach of our security – if one were to occur.
- To access our Privacy Policy, you can access it at any time on our website at this location (
What if I think my privacy has not been protected?
If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you may file a complaint with Cyber Sainik, LLC, or the Secretary of Health and Human Services. To file a complaint with Cyber Sainik, LLC, call Customer Support toll-free at +1 (877) NCN-0911. Alternatively, you may email Cyber Sainik, LLC at [email protected]. You may expect a reply within thirty (30) days.
To file a complaint with the Secretary of Health and Human Services, send a written request to: the Office of Civil Rights U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 90 7th St., Suite 4-100 San Francisco, CA 94103
No one will act against you if you file a complaint. The privacy of your Information is important to us.
These privacy protections are in place for the duration of your life plus fifty (50) years.
Cyber Sainik, LLC may change this Notice at any time. If we change the Notice, a revised Notice will be sent to your email and posted on our website at this location ( If you continue to use your service after a notice of changes, this tells us you agree with the changes.
This notice will be re-sent to you annually.